Nov 6, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Holy Boldness....love it. Thanks for taking me on your journey.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Resistance to injustice comes from these sources, I believe:

+ Moral character (opposite of selfishness or egoism)

+ personal honesty (very related)

+ personal strength - set aside self-interest and focus on goals that affect more persons.

Mysticism has no role in my view (because I am incapable?). Religious faith is often hypocrisy - trying to get in good with God in return for favors, or to feel superior and give oneself license to look down on us lesser types. Religion is intellectually ridiculous, like Astrology. I suppose there are some holy religious types, but they are seldom. My favorite is Albert Schweitzer.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Thank you for sharing your digging and thinking. Your art is the icing on the many layered cake!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Holy boldness!! Love that!

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This particular note of yours reminded me of Nadia Bolz-Weber.

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