Aug 3, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

The search for enlightenment or the meaning of life may be the end itself, as in "the way is the goal". The numbers one and zero each have no meaning other than being the opposite of each-other. We conscious beings have numerous opposites from which we derive meaning. Long ago I took a pill which was an ego destroyer. After a long struggle, I wrote down what it meant: I am my own self-delusion. Earl took one of these pills and concluded: this is bullshit. I think the common thread is: nothing exists alone, only relationships exist. Math exists outside of time and space and apparently outside of mind. What does it mean? Returning to real life: I worked 36 years in voluntary servitude and escaped into freedom upon retirement. Since then I do what I want: publish open source software, free for the taking. I get a few attaboys, and that is enough to make me exist. Happy hunting.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Perfect for you! A lifelong student!

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Loved the ride of this read.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by J. J. Johnson Wichman

Congratulations! This is fantastic news, not just that you're going back to school, but that you found a field so specific to your interests and the needs of our communities.

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