Grounded social justice. Stories. Joys. Sorrows. Spiritual leadings. Questions. Mistakes. History. Recommendations.

All in your inbox, once weekly or more.

Paid subscriptions support my vocation (writing) and subsidize my unpaid social justice work.

Writerly stuff about me: I'm an award-winning author, most recently of Believarexic. I’m also an editor and writing coach. My books have been translated into six languages and received international acclaim.

Social justice action: I’m a community restorative justice facilitator, homicide court companion, homicide vigil leadership team member, advocate for nonviolent community, and other coalitions I’m invited into.

Fun: I love reading, history, hiking, yoga, dumb movies, disco roller-skating, birds, art, rescued dogs, gazing at the sky, being with friends and family, and my Little Free Library.

Spirituality: Nondogmatic, unruly Quaker. Mystic. Earnest believer in fairies.

Identity: White, cisgender, bisexual, Gen X, Quaker. Mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend. Living on unceded Eno and Sapori land in Durham, North Carolina.

Basically I’m just out here drinking coffee, laughing, marveling, writing, trying to be open-hearted, compassionate, and thoughtful.

Subscribe to Notes From an Unruly Quaker

Grounded social justice. Joys. Sorrows. Rage. Stories. Spiritual leadings. Questions. Fuck ups. Twice weekly into your inbox from an award-winning author, artist, restorative justice facilitator, homicide court companion, white cis bi Quaker human.


Award-winning author, most recently of Believarexic. Also an editor, social justice worker, mystic, history nerd, artist, restorative justice facilitator, homicide court companion, disco roller-skater, mom, white cis bi unruly Quaker.